Saturday, July 31, 2010


The other day, I thought I caught a whiff of a dirty diaper and assumed it was Caleb (because I know their schedules. . . ) So I asked him if he had pooped. Before he could answer, his sister, who was standing next to him, bent over, sniffed his behind, and said, "Yep! Yep he did!"

Monday, July 26, 2010


After catching Isaac walking/running/jumping on the couch the other night, I said "ISAAC! Please do not do that on my couch!" His (remorseful - - - note the sarcasm) response: "You shouldn't have looked, Mommy!"

He's ALWAYS watching. . .

Isaac, hiding from me after being told NUMEROUS times to go do something, asked me if God has "x-ray vision" (I guess superheroes are good for something. . . ) After I told him that yes, God can see him ALL of the time, he said, "Can God just check on someone else for a little while?"

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Tonight we went on a long, hot walk to the park. The twins are lucky enough to get to ride in the stroller, but poor Isaac has to walk. He was getting pretty worn out on our way home and was beginning to complain about how long it was taking. As we walked by a house, he said, "Can we pretend this is our house?"


This morning, I told Caleb to come to the table for breakfast. I had bought a box of donuts from the grocery since Grammy was visiting.

Caleb heard the word donut, though, and responded, "Papa, Grandma, and Tony here?!"

Boy does he know his Papa well. . .

Push That Button!

The other day, Caleb was trying to go potty. He's still not "there" yet - not even close, really. . . but he was trying. I told him to "push it all out," something I used to say to Isaac all of the time. He said, "I am!" When I looked down, my little sweet Caleb was pushing his belly button. . .

Future Philosopher

Isaac - - - - "Mommy, what does 'what' mean?"


Me to Isaac: "How old do you think I am?"
Isaac, thinking: "25?"
Me: "You are RIGHT!"
Isaac: "I'm REALLY smart, Mommy."
Me: "Yes. . . yes, you are!"

Full of Love

Isaac: "I love you everyday, Mommy."
Mommy: "I love you everyday, too. Even when you're naughty."
Isaac: "I love you even when I'm naughty, too."

Saturday, April 24, 2010


Isaac sometimes has a hard time listening at school. When he gets a warning at school, he has to "move his clip." And when he moves his clip, he loses rewards at home (e.g., playing Super Mario with Daddy). He moved his clip 2 times last week, so we had a little talk. (And before you judge my conversation. . . I know I'm bad!)

Mommy: "Isaac, Mommy is disappointed that you moved your clip 2 times this week. Ms. Jenny isn't going to want you to be in her class anymore if you keep getting into trouble."

Isaac: "Will she kick me out?"

Mommy: "Yep." (I know, I know, I know. . . I'm mean.)

Isaac: "No she won't! She thinks I'm sweet!"

(Ms. Debbie and I have both talked to Isaac's teacher to make sure he isn't being really, really naughty at school, and Ms. Jenny has told both of us how sweet Isaac is. Obviously, the child is listening ALL of the time. . . he just doesn't always follow through.)

English Muffins

Isaac has been really into speaking Spanish lately. . . and he does know several words. The other morning, I had some english muffins for breakfast.

Isaac: "What are those?"

Mommy: "They're called english muffins."

Isaac: "Does that mean they can't speak Spanish?"

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


This morning Isaac was eating his breakfast, and he decided that he wanted some water (along with his milk and yogurt smoothie). His water was literally a few feet away from him, well within his reach. However, he still said (or whined) "Mommy! I want water!" I was a little frustrated and said, "Well, then go and get it! I'm not your servant."

Isaac's response: "Well, then who is?"

Saturday, February 20, 2010


Of course, I think Isaac is just brilliant! He knew his letters (upper and lower case and phonics) by age 2. He started reading very early. . . he does very well academically.

But the real reason I think he is brilliant is how quickly he thinks on his feet. For example, today I walked in the room and caught him with his finger in his nose. He really isn't a nose-picker. I hardly ever see him do this. But, today I caught him.

Mommy: "Isaac, don't pick your nose. That's gross!

Isaac: "I was just putting my boogers back."

See what I'm talking about? He's a genius!

Ankles. . .

The other day I was dressing Caleb for the day, and Isaac came in the room. I had pulled Caleb's shirt off, and Isaac teasingly said, "Caleb. . . I see your ankles!" I knew right away what he was talking about. . . do you?

Maybe this will help! A day later I was in my bathroom getting ready to take a shower. Isaac walked in (oh yay) and said, "Mommy. . . you have BIG ankles!"

Um. . . he was NOT talking about my ankles. . . and if you haven't figured it out yet, you need to think a little longer.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Talking Twins

The twins are becoming quite the talkers. Olivia is excelling; she uses nice long sentences. She's using pronouns and action words. She names colors, shapes, and letters. She's doing great! Her speech is pretty clear. Her favorite word(s): I want, which she somehow combines to sound like one word. But it is I want ____ and I want____ all day now! My favorite word that she says is "poot." Which means "poop." It's so funny. I laugh every time she says it.

Caleb talks a lot, too. But he is quite hard to understand at times, poor fella. Lucky for him he was born to a speech pathologist, so we work on things. He just doesn't use consonants. He sure knows what he's saying! I can definitely understand him most of the time, but that's a mommy thing.

Oh no!

Isaac to me today: "Mommy, my hair is bothering my brain!"

Don't worry. He fixed it so that wouldn't be a problem anymore.

Where does he come up with this stuff?!

Saving the Day!

I was sitting out in the living room, and all 3 kids were playing in the office. They were playing nicely, but I still called out to them and asked "What are you guys doing?"

Isaac's response: "We're saving the day!"

This means they were playing superheroes. . . again. Not a big surprise!


We had some freezing rain last week, with lots of ice covering the swingset, fence, and trees. Isaac said, "Maybe Iceman just iced everything!"

Who's Iceman, you ask?

Just another superhero (Isaac's current obsession) that Isaac has created! He's such an imaginative little guy!

Dr. Phil

I had the Dr. Phil show on the other day, and Isaac saw his name on the TV. He thinks, since Phil starts with a "P," he should be "Dr. Pill" instead of "Dr. Phil."

And then he asked, "Does that doctor fix anybody?"

Good question.


Isaac has recently told me that he does not suck his thumb anymore. . . but I caught him in the act the other day.

Mommy: "Isaac, I thought you didn't suck your thumb anymore!"
Isaac: "I was just fixing my mouth. It was all tangled up."

Boy he thinks fast, doesn't he?!


Have you seen the TV commercials for the Bumpits? Isaac asked me the other day if I had one. Now I'm a little worried about what my hair looks like!

A Night Out for Christmas!

Isaac: "Daddy, what do you want for Christmas?"
Nate: "A night out!"
Isaac: "A night out is not a toy! Santa can't bring you a night out."
Nate: "You're probably right."
Isaac, after thinking a minute: "Santa can bring you a tent! Then you can have a night out!"

Uh-oh. . .

At school they have a stoplight behavior system. Kids are given a warning, and then they have to move their "clips" (clothespins) on the stoplight if the behavior continues. One day, Isaac came home from school, and he told me that he moved his clip to green (red is the worst). When I asked him why, he told me. . . "I just couldn't stop asking Ms. Jenny!" It turned out that they were doing a fun activity, and he was so ready for it to be his turn, so he kept asking his teacher if it was his turn yet. . . I just loved how he put it! He COULDN'T stop asking!

Curious Question from Isaac. . .

Do penguins have teeth?

Good question, and I looked it up! No, they don't. They swallow their food whole!

According to Isaac. . .

All toilets lead to the sea. . .

Yes, we had been watching Finding Nemo!